
Developer Setup



While it is technically possible to work on Captain or Shove without RabbitMQ installed for very small changes, it is highly recommended to install it anyway.

Once you have the prerequisites installed, you must set up the Shove daemon:

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd shove

# Create a virtualenv and activate it
# You should consider using virtualenvwrapper instead:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Install shove in development mode
python develop

# Copy the settings file
# You must edit with the settings for your setup! It is commented with info on what
# you need to change.

# Start the shove daemon.

Once Shove is running, you must set up the Captain frontend:

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd shove

# Create a virtualenv and activate it
# You should consider using virtualenvwrapper instead:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Install libraries needed for development
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

# Copy the settings file
cp captain/settings/ captain/settings/
# You must edit with the settings for your setup! It is commented with info on what
# you need to change.

# Initialize the database
python sync
python migrate

# Start the development server
python runserver

You should now have both Captain and Shove running and connected to RabbitMQ.

The last step is to start the Captain logging event process. The process listens for messages on the logging queue and saves them to the database to update Captain with the results of a command. To run it, run the following in a new terminal:

# Enter the captain directory.
cd captain

# Activate the virtualenv.
source venv/bin/activate

# Run the logging daemon.
python monitor_shove_logs

Running the Tests

# Enter the captain directory.
cd captain

# Activate the virtualenv.
source venv/bin/activate

# Run the tests.
python test

Changing the Database

Captain uses South to generate and run migrations for the database. The South documentation has more information on how to generate and run migrations when the models change.

Make sure to check for new migrations whenever you pull new code!

Third-party Libraries

Third-party libraries for Captain are listed in pip requirements files in the requirements directory. There are three files:

  • prod.txt: Non-compiled libraries required for production.
  • compiled.txt: Compiled libraries required for production.
  • dev.txt: Libraries that are required for development (e.g. for running the tests). This also pulls in the requirements from prod.txt and compiled.txt.

In addition, the libraries from prod.txt are also included in a directory called vendor. This is used to import the libraries in a production environment where there isn’t a PyPI mirror to install the libraries from.

If you add a new third-party library to Captain, make sure to add it to the appropriate requirements file. If you add to or update prod.txt, you’ll also need to update vendor. This can be done with using pip like so:

# Executed from the repository root.
pip install -I --install-option="--home=`pwd`/vendor" library-name==1.2


Make sure that any requirements in prod.txt are pinned to a specific version or commit.

Where to Find Us

We hang out on IRC on in #capshove.

Additionally, we’ll respond to issues in both the captain and shove projects.